Monday, May 10, 2004


1. I no longer have any desire to be youre friend. But I will.
2. I no longer have any desire to be youre friend. But I will.
3. I have no regrets about not being youre friend anymore. So im not.
4. All we're doing is one thing, with nothing behind it.
5. I hate when this happens.
6. I thought i would be more sad after festival, but i was not.
7. I am focussing completly on ickies.
8. I believe the fairy tale should end.
9. I missed Metallica on thursday. tear.
10. My sypathy levels have sunk for some people.
11. I went to all of my classes today.
12. Im actually applying myself in bio.
13. I had a good monday... whats up with that?
14. Dont touch me. It feels gross...

ttfn, Jarebear.
You fuck with me and you fuck with the whole trailer park, biotch!


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