Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Guess who has a gig? Thats right! Me! YAY!

quite happy right now.

today i talked to 2 people that i feel like i dont talk to enough and i have missed both of them dearly!!!

At any rate, i just got back from seeing the movie, Van Helsing... may i just say one thing. I wish that i too could have an orgasm whilst swinging through the air on a rope and catching a needle filled with "the cure". **Dramatic Pause**

that is all i have to say. by which i mean, it was pretty good. I screamed, laughed and cried. not actually cried, but ya know.

I loathe Mr.Walkers existance...

as well as others...

but for the most part im happy...

I dont know what im gonna do though. I cant seem to decide. GAH!

still happy!

ttfn, Jaryd...



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