Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It rained today... the afternoon one was much better then the one i walked home it... warmer and less windy. Nonetheless i walked home, sang my favourite Josh Groban song, almost fell over and was soaking wet by the time i got home... I find that the rain makes me too reflective. Perhaps I just dont reflect enough. Reflecting always puts me in a crappy mood. Its always, Man, why did i do that/dont do that/didnt do that... Moreso the last one. Im not really a "go getter" type. Never have been, probably never will be... (insert sigh here)

Anyway, i am stupid indecisive about everything. This became super apparent to me on friday when i had 2 people i really wanted to see/hang out with and i could not decide... Thank you for deciding for me/staying at that whacked orgy party thing... gah, i dont know what i want...

Someone described themselves as a "love lover" today. That made me really happy. There should be more love in the world, and i am personally glad that i have recently contributed to the love factor... sweet, (in a deep voice) the love factor...teehee!

My biggest paragraph was about rain... that makes me sad.

May i state to everyone that reads this, i have a boyfriend. just so i dont have to go through the whole, WHAT!! omygod (insert a million questions about him here)... Apparently i dont talk about him enough... bah

im cold and tired...

ttfn, bitchy president


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