Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Im so very sleepy...

Today I cleaned... gah

then Jolene told me i couldnt go see renee... gah

Then i sat in my room, in an unhappy state... gah

then Renee just came over... YAY!

God that was a relief, cuz then, that meant that i get to drive her and Isaac home... YAY!

that was basically my day...

Shit that I have to do before school starts up again...

1. Finish my costume
2. Finish my mask
3. Finish my art project
4. Finish bio ass
5. Do rough draft of reflective essay for PDA
6. Catch up on PDA journal entries
7. Finish choreographing my movement peice
8. Book hair appointment...
9. Make money...
10. Sleep... ya right

Anyway, now that i have written all that down, none of it will get done... YAY!

Tomorrow i have an interview... i hope it goes well.

ttfn, Jaryd


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