Thursday, March 25, 2004

Tonite I shed a tear. One beautiful tear rolled down my cheek as I sat in front of a brilliant psycho. God it was amazing. Fucking amazing. Im still buzzing over it. I love this feeling after you see great theatre and you cant stop talking about it. It makes me hope that someday I will be able to have that affect on people. There was this Ushering lady there tonite, and she told me that she didnt like the sodomy part. And I was like, well duh, you arent supposed to like something like that. But I hadnt seen the performance yet so I didnt really understand. So when it was over I was pissed off. I wanted to scream, YOU DIDNT GET THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PLAY! YOURE STUPID! GO BE "CULTURED" ELSEWHERE!!!!! That was the point. OF COURSE it wasnt "enjoyable" ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE. Gah!!!!! Stupid people... The whole play leads up to that moment. There would be no play if he wasnt raped! Jesus, im so pissed. I feel like she needed someone to walk acrossed the stage with a sign reading "THIS IS THE POINT, PAY ATTENTION!!" Stupid people piss me off...

It was truly magnificent though. It was called Provenance. Ronnie Burkett is a genius. A flaming homosexual psychotic genius. That is how he shall be known to me. God, im still in awe...

Goodnite Everyone...

Party, Saturday nite, @ Lil Dustins...

ttfn, Jaryd


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