Tuesday, March 23, 2004

like a kid in a candy store, but you aint never seen one like this....

So i went down south today to get some stuff with Renee and we ended up stopping at the CO - OP on southland drive and MacLeod... Well, i walked in there and it is so freeking big and pretty. I have never walked into a store like this. Everything is perfectly placed on the shelves and they are actually stocked. It was crazy. But not as crazy as the next thing. We go to the cash register to pay, but theres no one there. Its automatic. Basically instead of talking to a snotty cashier, you talk to an extremely pleasant computer... You push a button, then scan every item yourself... Now Im thinking what the fuck is goin on... This is our future. Why the hell would you hire staff to supervise a customer to scan their fucking groceries? What is their purpose? I thought it was to scan shit to make my life easier. BUT APPARENTLY NOT. instead i had to push all the buttons to make it work. Pfft. Its not my job to push its buttons and scan my own groceries. This is an outrage!!!! One day, youre gonna be able to walk out of the store, through a little scanner that can tell what you want to purchase and it will just withdraw the money from a little computer chip under our skin. I THINK NOT...

Anyway, i didnt use my script in rehearsal today which IS GOOD. Its quite scary letting it go... total comfort...

I went out for coffee with my brother today. It was good. I let out some of my anger towards him and he understood. I understood a couple years ago why he left and he understands that he abandoned me. So we're sort of at an understanding right now. It makes me happy that he's missed me and that he wanted to take me with him (even though i wouldnt have left). Overall im happy. I think. no im still angry. But he did promise me today. So that is a good sign. I swear if i have to do it all over again theres no point. All i have is his word. Everybody deserves a second chance.

im not done, but i have to go read a journal...

ttfn, Jaryd


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