Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Updates... wow its been a while...

Friday: a sudden change in plans occured when i got a phone call to meet up with a friend. I was nervous, obviously, but all was good once we got the first hello over with. That was a good nite... (insert sigh here)

Saturday: Lest just say I wasnt in the mood to do this all over again that nite. I just woke up from sleeping on a rug... in the middle of a strange empty apartment. None the less i got ready to go to the party for me. I knew i would be late to my own party. I just knew it. Im never on time, for anything, well mostly anything. It was a good nite over all. The cloud of ass did come along, but i just laugh about it now. Good times overall, except when i wanted to sleep and then Tristan and Dham stripped for me... **shudder** ;)

Sunday: Supposed to go out with Ali, then he had to work. It was during this phone call that i realized how little time i can devote to a relationship. It kinda upset me when he asked me if he could see me during the week. I just dont have the time... I wish i did because I want to see him, but i cant. Priorities... He sounded so sad when i said i couldnt, he was like, "will i see you next weekend?" in a, am i ever gonna see you, kinda tone... That made me sad...
Then i got into a huge fight about Chris and how Jolene doesnt think i should see him and blah blah blah... I was like, i will make my own decision about him. I think that that is civil and resonable. Fuck.
Then i went out to dinner and a movie with Chris. It was ok, i dont really like his girlfriend... i dont get good vibes of of her. Oh well...

Lets just assume monday was a monday, so i can go to bed... and so can you!

ttfn, Jaryd

PS, i got another dozen roses today... thats 2 dozen in the past 4 days... that makes me very very happy. :D


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