Thursday, March 11, 2004

Sorry about all my bio homework. Heh, homowork. which is what i just typed them deleted. Speaking of homo, I must go to that gay store. Which is what its new name shall be. That should be interesting. Onto other things...

I wrote something today. It made me happy. Hopefully it gets read. Normally i wouldnt have written anything like it. But it had to be done. For sanity sake. Can you imagine if i didnt edit this thing. Oh wait. Nm, you can. Cuz sometimes i give up completely on my grammer. bahah.

Renee looked at an apartment today, im proud of her. And happy for her, and jealous... bah.

Not really much to say. Im frustrated. AND tired... man am i tired...

Sorry its not a very interesting entry. WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESTERDAY IT RAINED! granted it rained, then sleeted, then snowed then hailed, BUT IT RAINED! and for those few moments i was truly happy. I cried. Thats right i cried in the rain. Blah blah blah, im so emo. Right. I would like rain for my birthday. Ok, so everyone stop asking me what i want, and just make it rain... I only want one other thing. But I will be happy with just rain.

Remember when it rained?


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