Thursday, March 11, 2004

Part A

A and I
1. Insulin effects the amount of glucose taken into the muscle cells by making the glucose permable to muscles cell memebranes.
2. The control in the experiment is the amount of glucose given to each patient. Its function is to show how much glucose is absorbed into their blood streams at any given time.
3. When insulin is produced in the body, blood glucose levels rise.

1. Some symptoms that might occur in people who are lacking insulin may be low energy levels because if no glucose is being absorbed, then cellular respiration cannot happen. Also, their urine will contain high levels of glucose because it is not being absorbed.
3. Someone who has Diabetes mellitus may have high levels of acetone in there system. Therefore their urine would be acidic.

Part B

Procedure (attached)

A and I

1. Homeostasis is the process that a body has so that internally everything is normal no matter what is happening externally.
2. In a negitive feedback loop the response acts againsts the stimulus so that an over response is not produced.
3. All of the feedback loops are negitive.
4. Without a negitive feedback loop the body would not take in new resources and expel old ones to maintain homeostasis.


1. (attached)

2. A positive feedback loop comes into affect if a change occurs in the body. The response is to change that variable even more in the same direction. The result is a continuing spiral of change.


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