Thursday, February 26, 2004

Ok so this just blows ass

1. I fractured my toe yesterday... it hurts, its swollen, and its bruised.
2. I hope that if any of you have an issue with something/someone in the pit that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me. Thats part of my purpose.
3. I hate when you have a thought in your head and every song you listen to, you can relate it. Or every forwarded email can be related. Or people know and bring it up constantly. All I want to do right now is forget it. But I know I cannot. It took me so long to figure it out, and now I wish no one would have told me and no one would continue to do so and that I could just make it go away. It just makes everything more complicated and it makes me more vulnerable. I wish I could talk to someone. I'm so afraid...


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