Saturday, March 06, 2004

so its been less than a week... Here i am. My parents are being civil with me and seem to understand that I am almost an adult (even though i rarely act like one). Its seems good. Im going to do some volunteering tomorrow. Then im going the meet Anthony's Grandfather (YAY) for dinner. Im quite excited. Maybe its because I dont have grandparents to have my friends meet. Meh, I have an adopted Grandpa... GP! And Em's grandpa makes awesome sandwiches... like whoa.

A conversation has inspired me to make a list or two. Not for your use. But more for mine, so that i know. Its not really important. But i want to, just so i can say, on this day i liked _____. ya.

1. The Wizard of Oz
2. Dirty Dancing (I loathe the remake)
3. Pretty Woman
4. The Fifth Element
5. Ever After

1. 4am
2. Remember When It Rained
3. Breathe
4. I'll Catch You
5. Baby got Back

That being said...
I went to Okotoks last nite with Tristan. I needed to get out. It was rather pointless, but it definatly had meaning. If that makes sense. For a more detailed description, feel free to go to losers live journal. Traitor. :)

ttfn, Jaryd


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