Sunday, February 22, 2004

blog idea to be expanded on at a later date...

Listening to the power of an audience

Ok, have you ever stood behind the curtain before an audience and just listened? Closed your eyes and let everything, but the sound on the other side, melt away? Its amazing how powerful it is. Occasionally you can hear certain people laughing, coughing, sneezing or some other bodily functions. Its interesting to try to pick out certain sounds, or people. With your eyes closed, try to zone in on one person and in effect, find out who they are, by how they talk or laugh. Then you can move onto someone else. Its weird because if you try hard enough you can pick up on things. Conversations people are having and if theyre enjoying them. ANd you know that somewhere in the audience someone is sitting alone in silence. Waiting. Then all of the sudden they feel something. This something makes them sit down in silence. The lights go down and not a sound is heard. Then the lights go up and when the audience doesnt speak or move, you know youre doing something right because you are affecting them. Emotionally they are not in control. Its like the outer limits and they dont even realized that you have pulled them into your world. Imaginary as it is, they are their with you. Then, when it is over, you know youve done youre job when they are still in silence and it takes them a second to realize that its over. It was made up. It didnt actually happen. It wasnt real. Then their power becomes overwhelming again. It always seems to start off slow and then it quickly builds into a thunderous roar. And it doesnt stop until you leave. And you know you did that to them. At least, thats what it sounds like to me.


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