Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Otay, i had a super awesome afternoon with Jeff and Anthony. Fun times, dirty talk. 2 Naughty fish + one raging bull = good times. Hehe... hehe, overnite, whos nite? *Jaryd and Jeff turn to anthony*... hehe.. so great. also great, Anthony falling on his ass while getting into my car, funnier, Jeff falling and recovering before falling on his ass in the EXACT same spot as anthony. Funniest! Anthony and Jeff pushing the boat.... hehe, dirty boat pushers. lol, pusher... o god. Ok so then we all went and tried to return metis Joshua Tattersall born Nov 20, 1981 in BC's wallet. I didnt even look at in it. I MEAN AT IT! hehe... but he wasnt home, so i left several msgs and then we dropped it in a box. a male box. (ftr i purposely misspelled that so jeff would laugh). then Anthony put on this fake irish accent in coffee time and we did a lil video on jeffs digital camera, that was so funny. My weaknesses are homosexuals and the irish, what can i say. well, i have way more weaknesses but they shall not be mentioned. speaking of which, i was informed of something this evening and became
quite sad, quite quite sad actually, then i went into hysterics because of this one phrase, "I stole Dustin's Buddha face then he gave i to me afterwards, so, I will glue it back into place" that is so dirty. I love my dirty mind. It has nothing to do with immaturity because, well, that is just a talent, i can turn the simplest statement dirty... hehe. Naughty Fish. Well, i am either off to laugh, or cry. Probably both eventually.

ttfn, Naughty Fish


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