Sunday, November 16, 2003

ok, so ya, i had a super awesome day at work yesterday. I was sooo tired when i got there, then, i inhaled some caffine and nicotine and glucose. I was good for the nite. We werent that busy, but there were some really funny things. This group of drunks came in and one of them decided to go down 2 flights of stairs on a crazy carpet. They promised to behave so they got seated, well some of them were underage and decided to put a rum bottle in their purse, then proceeded to LITERALLY pour their purse in the coke. Retards. Luke is quite possibly the funniest person at BP"S... Yesterday he told me to sit on his lap and we'd talk about the first thing that popped up... And on friday - theres this box in the kitchen called the "hot box" and the cooks put really hot pans and shit in it so i dont burn my hands- I looked at a full hot box and said, yay i love the hot box, and Luke responded with, i like hot boxes too. Horny bastard. He so sweet though... I am quite well like there apparently, and i may be cooking soon, cuz i have a better attitude than dirty Eric. lol, sorry nm... Oh i was so happy, Mike (not red mike) came and visited me at work! then Chels, it was super! Then i finished in record time. 3:22, i was so stoked. whoa, i just wrote stoked. weird. ANYWAY, I was home by 4am. it was awesome. Then i fell alseep thinking about one thing that never seems to go away.

My sub concious is telling me something. More that something is going to happen. I dont know what it is. But i feel it. I cant tell if its negitive or positive... grr, if someone wants to tell me that would be super cuz its like im being sent messages between the lines. maybe im just crazy... that would be fun. Crazy people always have fun, and thats cuz they choose not to remember the bad times.

Theres this chain email that i keep getting. How bad are you? or something. Its funny because everytime i take it, im a lil more bad. Its funny.

I have discovered a song again that i have always liked. Maybe its just cuz i like treble charger. Or maybe its because it reminds me of something. whatever, doesnt matter.

ttfn, Jaryd


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