Tuesday, October 14, 2003

~I went to run in the rain tonite. I did so, just to be reprimanded for it. My only thought was, Fuck you. If i wanna run in the rain because it makes me happy then i will run in the damn rain. All i want is to feel every individual droplet fall on my skin. It is soothing and I dont give a shit if it makes me sick because i already am. Do not deny me my one indulgence that is free.
~3/3... The third day is always the worst. I got through it, Yay for me.
~Also, you hid it on me, but i found it, and you will have it tomorrow.
~And Fuck off. I hate you :)
~My fav quote from my social textbook "Well endowed in natural resources" YES
~It has been defined... that is that. and it must stay as such... yes... thanks
~I hope you feel better soon Em!!!! I HEART YOU!!! And Jolene is getting the hot mobile fixed!!! I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ttfn, Jaryd


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