Monday, September 08, 2003

Well... Today i woke up with a smile on my face... and i thought WTF IS WRONG!!! smile and morning NEVER go together in the same sentence unless its "I HATE PEOPLE WHO SMILE IN THE MORNING!!!" yes... so there was that... i was also quite insane today which came acrossed as a good thing to sum people becuase i seemed happy... when really... i just psycho manifested my feelings into one big fake smile while i slowly went insane inside... good times... I actually had a fairly good day...:P besides getting called a bitch and butch... grrr... i think i should try silence for a while, my mouth seems to be getting me in trouble lately :S ... im also gonna stay away from tape... it is a bad addiction of mine... OOOOOOOOOO
Jaryds List Of addictions/bad habits:
snapping my gum
borrowing money
letting things get to me easily
cock...(not really an addiction/bad habit but sumthing i rather enjoy)hehe
oh ya... theres this sticker in Charisma that says "vaginas are way cool" LOL ITS SO GREAT!!!!
anyway... i think thats the end of the list... i know theres more but i dont care to mention them...
Also, i was invited to go camping this weekend and anyone who wants to come along is welcome. I hope my parental units allow me... I miss hangin out with ian... but when we do, it is so great, tonite for example we talked on the phone for a while and, he almost made me cry... i cannot believe he cares about me so much... I mean, weve known each other for 6 years... omgoodness... but i never thought i would be this close to him, even after not seeing him for 99.9% of the summer its like we talked everyday... our relationship is weird that way and i know we will always be sistahs!;) im so happy i have him even if he isnt around as much as id like him to be... yay, camping with ian!!! and im sure i can get over the fact that Katy is coming and i will have to share my ian time with her... shes a nice gurl though. When i first met her i told her that if she broke Ians heart i would break her back... I am a loving friend...hehe...
i have to get over some of the thoughts in my head... they only cause me unnessicary grief, though i would like to be let into the circle of knowledge sumtimes... with one issue right now esspecially... blah
Anyway, i believe that is all for now and i will close with this... I love my friends and all the support they give me... Thank you
lotsa luv!


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