Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I have decided that i no longer am sad... well i am... im just not gonna focus on it... and then it will go away right? no... but maybe i will feel better... probably not but its worth a i just typed almost the exact same thing last nite... crazy!!! anyway... my parentals are psycho... my mom asked me where all the glasses were like im pawning them off or sumthing... how the hell should i know?!! and omg they need to get off my back about school... im already scared enough that im gonna fail them... NOT EVEN ME... BUT THEM! this is their future and i hate it already... I had a good nite with emily... We talked about a lot of things on a wide variety of topics and it was good... We havent done that in a while and thusly i feel better... But then i came home and learned that sum of my friends are not happy... and now i am sad... cuz i wish i could make them happy. Maybe i can, maybe i cant... i dunno, people need to hug more... Thats my thought of the day... have fun with it!

Also... Ive decided that a perfect circle and saliva rock... man... i can only stand so much hip hop until i go back to my roots of hardcore rocker!!! WAAHOO!!!
Super Songs
A Perfect Circle: The Hollow, Magdalena, The Rose and my all time fav 3 Libras...


Overcome by your
Moving temple
Overcome by this
Holiest of altars

So pure
So rare
To witness such an earthly goddess
That I've lost my self control
Beyond compelled to throw this dollar down before your
Holiest of altars

I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time

One chance
One kiss
One taste of you my magdalena

I bear witness
To this place, this prayer, so long forgotten
So pure
So rare
To witness such an earthly goddess

That I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time
For one chance
One kiss
One taste of you my black madonna

I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time

One taste
One taste
One taste of you my Magdalena



Don't disturb
The beast
The tempermental goat
The snail while he's feeding on
the Rose
Stay frozen, compromising
What I will
I am

Bend around
The wind silently
thrown about
Again I'm treading so
Soft and lightly
Compromising my will
I am

I am
I will
So no longer
Will I
Lay down
Play dead
Play your doe
in the headlights locked down
and terrified
Your deer in the headlights
shot down and horrified when
Push comes to pull comes to shove
Comes to step around this
Self-destructing dance that never
would've ended till I
I roared aloud here
I will
I am.

I am
I will
So no longer
Will I
Lay down
Lay dead
Play this
Kneel down
Gun-shy Martyr
I rose, I roared
I will
I am


The Hollow

Run desire run
Sexual being
Run him like a blade
To and through the heart
No conscience
One Motive
Cater to the hollow

Screaming feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacify this hungering
So grow
Libido throw
Dominoes of indiscretions down
Falling all around
In cycles
In circles
Constantly consuming
Conquer and devour

Cause it's time to bring the fire down
Bridle all this indiscretion
Long enough to edify
And permanently fill this hollow

Screaming feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacifying

Feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacifying


3 Libras

Threw you the obvious
And you flew with it on your back
A name in your recollection
Down among a million, say:
Difficult enough to feel a little bit
Disappointed, passed over.
When I've looked right through,
To see you naked and oblivious
and you don't see me

Well I threw you the obvious,
Just to see if there's more behind the
Eyes of a fallen angel,
Eyes of a tragedy.

Here I am expecting just a little bit
Too much from the wounded
But I see,
See through it all,
See through,
And see you.

So I threw you the obvious
Do you see what occurs behind the
Eyes of a fallen angel
Eyes of a tragedy

Well, oh well..

Apparently nothing.
Apparently nothing at all.

You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me at all
Man... thats a lot of A Perfect Circle... Must thank Riel for introducing me to it... :D


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