Friday, September 05, 2003

someone shoot me now... im being ignored and i do not enjoy it at all... em... im making a new secret blog like you said... maybe i can write in it more freely than i do this useless thing... only you will be permitted to read it... maybe... i havent any rate... i REALLY REALLY REALLY need to stop listening to sad music... my good times cd needs to be retired and my "striping cd" needs to played... see, i hate this... i know i what i should be doing... but instead... i do the opposite... i listen to sappy music, smoke too much, dont sleep or eat... and i wonder why i had a crappy week... HAHAHA i can feel a nervous breakdown coming on... and you know what... i think kelsey was quite rude to me today and thusly... grr to her...
ttfn... Tired and Jaded
ps... i just blogged 3 times in one day... boo


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