Saturday, September 06, 2003

good evening everyone... i went to a picinic today... it was awesome i got sum really pretty body paint done there on my shoulder... too bad it will be gone tomorrow... oh well, thats why i got a pic of it... my mom also got sum and then the funniest thing happened... We were in sev and this gothic puck came up to her and pointed at her face and said it was really cool... well by that time my mom had forgotten about the paint and had to remember in a split second to react with... uh thank you... giggle giggle... i then proceeded to tell her that she didnt have to be afraid of them... then i lokced my door...hehe... just kiddin... it was funny though!!!!!!! then i watched an EXCELLENT MOVIE.... the pianist... wow... i love war stories... books or movies it doesnt matter to me... i love them both... i also love slurpees... they are good times... i wish to go out tomorrow evening... i dont know where or with who... but i wish to do sumthing... now... if i could only think... but i cant!!! so
ttfn... Jaryd
ps... ive only had 2 smokes today... yay AND I WENT SHOPPING!!! i hate shopping... unless i know exactly what i want...bye bye then!


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