Friday, September 05, 2003

Ok... so everytime i blog it means i have made a decision... One of my decisions for today is that A Perfect Circle is brilliant... and that things are not always as they seem... YAY... thats all... i figure someones blog had to be kinda happy... so it might as well be mine... I guess i had a good day, better than i make it out to be... I got a great mark on my social quiz (93%) :D... I have caring people around me... and i just wish to smile about nothing... yay! so this is my attitude... BE HAPPY!!!!!!!! its way more fun to be happy than sad, or say bad words repeatedly... :P HAPPY!!!!
sidebar: I got a kick in the ass today... not just metaphorically either... AN ACTUAL KICK... i thought it was funny actually, but that DOES NOT mean i want another... :D... hehe... I have nothing to laugh about but i am... maybe im having a breakdown of sum kind... OH WELL!!! ITS GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!
ttfn...bob lobla


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