Monday, September 01, 2003

Ok so fuckin right we won the labour day classic... it was quite an amusing game... fights, penalties, my whole section chanting bullshit... id rather be a homo than a fuckin eskiho (or mo if you prefer) and i dunno but ive been told, eskiho pussy is mighty cold... i introduced everyone to that... im quite happy it took off as well... speaking of taking off...

ok im back and i have really needed to blog... but i can not blog because well...i dont know why... there are no words i suppose... i have sum tho... they include
ok i am sofa king bored... and i need to talk to someone... but because it is 11... i can not... maybe i can but it would be rude to call anyone after 11 on a school nite... mind you 2 of my friends dont have phones, and i am not talkin to another... bah... uneeded drama
at any rate... i found a 4 leaf clover yesterday and that has not broughten me any luck thus far... unless you count the game today... meh... now i will be watching the next game on friday cuz if we win that one... ill know for sure its the clover and nothing to do with the stamps... or Ricky Ray taking gatorade up the ass...eww... i just grossed myself out... onto a new topic... school starts tomorrow and i have concluded that i may be scared to go back... i mean i wanna go back, but damn... just knowing that this is my last year freaks me out... its been such a routine... most people have this thought later on in their grade 12 year... i dunno... as a result i have not eaten or slept in an unexceptable amount of time... mind you i tried to eat a sandwich this morning... but that didnt work... i dunno... hopefully this phase will end soon...
why is it always so cold in my house?? brrrrrrrr
ive decided that washed... essentially naked hair feels good... but doesnt always look good... and on that note, my hair is kinda all one colour now... as opposed to brown on top and blonde on the looked really red when it was wet and i hoped that it would get better cuz my hair is all i have going for me!!!! (luv ya em) but it is no longer too red... not red at all actually thank goodness...
and i grrr... no more pity parties... they are not fun... i may need to have my own pity party.... then i will write everything i cannot say... blah... that is all as usual...
except for the fact of me saying i told you so... and by you i mean me... i said it was impossible to stay good friends with someone you never see... and i was right... i do miss you, but not as much as i thought i would... weird how infatuation goes away after a couple of weeks... kinda sad though...
ttfn... of course


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