Sunday, August 31, 2003

so... i hope my 18th birthday is a exciting as this one... by which i mean... WHAT THE HELL... i am payin to be on the net... in a place that is 10 minutes from my house... with my bestfriends who i love... but they are many computers away so i find this redundant... waahoo for being able to LEGALLY buy smokes liquor and lottery tickets and be HERE in NET PLANET... seriously... wtf mike...ANYWAY i had an interesting nite last nite... i had a "pity party" which consisted of emily and i drinkin a smirnoff ice 7% (sorry tristan), 1/4 bottle of sour puss 15% (sorry ian), half a bottle of rootbeer schnapps 21% (sorry tyler) all in half an hour while listening to the crappiest music and when i say crappy i mean music that intensified our mood of sucky... then em and i danced around my living room whilst screaming the lyrics to i will survive which was positively delightful... THEN becuase of my intent to get REALLY REALLY drunk i made mike buy me a bottle of rum 41% (sorry) so u see... the alcohol content slowly increased with each type of liquor... then my boys came over for a bit and i was so happy... becuase i needed to tell ian something and i had to do it before dustin opened his trap thinking he was protecting me...anyway! i was more nervous tellin ian then dustin which was whacked cuz there reactions were opposite of what i thought they would be (dustin responded like i thought ian would and vice versa) at any rate i realize that you really can, not talk to people all summer and still have the same relationship that you began with...:P i love them... nothin bad can happen to me while im in their arms and for that i am eternally grateful for them...then kels came over and the pity party continued you would think that i would not have been able to get up this morning like my fairweather friend tristan (grrrrr :P) but i did... then proceeded to vacuum and slowly bring my house to order so my parental units wouldnt know about the crazy weekend i had... and when i say crazy... i really really mean it... there were 4 male articles of clothin left at my house which i am quite QUITE happy that i found... most of which should have stay on the boys... but for sum reason didnt...:S then i went to drop sum things off and got strangled today... ya that was great fun... fuckin bastard...
Picinicing is fun... although i wasnt really in the mood today becuase of prior events but i eventually got into it no matter what mood im in i cant pass up the opportunity to laugh... so overall i suppose my day was good... coulda been better... coulda been worse...
The weekend is over and every nite has its dawn... and my parents are back in town...
i will probably blog again tonite... cuz i have no life now...


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