Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sunday: 12-6
Wednesdy: 3-10
Thursday: 11-6
Saturday: 1030-7

Props to my assistant manager for giving me an 8 and a half hour shift the day before i leave... funny little gal.

So i sooo desperately wanted to go to see a movie tonite, instead i helped my mother go grocery shopping... then i went to Rebeccas for a movie. not what i wanted but ill take what i can get. *sigh* no comments about my saying that last nite, i know what you were thinking. so, whilst at Rebeccas i borrowed a movie that i havent seen since last summer. i really shouldnt have borrowed it. it will only depress me and then give me hope for my own sad little life. last summer i sobbed through it once and then i brought tissues with me the second time i tortured myself and watched it again.

stop being silent and tell me when we can hang out before i leave. not that that is the only thing i have to look forward to or anything... Dammit! that and getting my hair done... heh. when the hell did i become such a girly girl? fuck. i hate you Mr. Reitman!

I started a new painting today and by that i mean yesterday. the more i look at it the more i get just a little creeped out. i dunno, its too accurate, way too accurate. maybe it will go on tour when its done which will be tonite, cuz i seem to prefer to paint at nite rather than sleep lately. what can ya do. i wonder if it would be worth taking my paints with me one the boat. hmm....

I think that Lonny is going to paint me, that would be awesome.

countdown to the big boat: 7 days... it only took me 4 months to be excited

ttfn, Jiggy

PS: my cute shoes hurted my feets today. it made me sad... they are not 8 hour shoes.


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