Sunday, May 01, 2005

I came home feeling depressed. i still am, but i went in the hot tub and vomitted on my mom like i normally do. I obviously mean i word vomited on her. I love her. And then i checked my email, which made me incredibly happy. "dont worry" is quickly becoming my favourite phrase to hear. Thats pretty much it, i have some issues that i need to deal with and i wish that someone had everything planned out and thought through and worked out, but they dont. this is the root of my depression and until iaccept what i need to accept, i will be in this state. well, part of me, the other part will be jumping around like a little girl. and yes, i have been doing the "girl thing".

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're posts are confusing a.k.a we need to talk!
-Leash wearer

5:35 p.m., May 01, 2005  

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