Monday, April 18, 2005

I came home to french fries and fist fights. its fucking bullshit. I feel like i cant leave for an extended period of time without this immature fucked up stupid ass way out. Im fucking tired of it. I hate it. and i hate the manipulative passive aggresive way they have about them.

Victoria was beautiful and my audition went well, it was hard, but i did my best! so we'll just have to see. Other than that im just trying to look at it with a "its out of my hands perspective".

ttfn, Jaryd/J-bone heh...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

French fries and fist fights hey...We definitely need to talk. I miss you and I'm super glad you called today. I can't wait to see you and your new sex kitten hair!!!RRRRAAAAAAAAAR!
Love you

8:16 p.m., April 19, 2005  

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