Tuesday, April 19, 2005

ok, so after i tell you guys this, you cant laugh at me, cuz it seems to have worked.

I heard this thing that everyone has a guardian angel, but the ga wont do anything for them unless they ask. So yesterday i asked. And today, by chance, it came true. Weird, huh! But good. theres one thing that will be the final test, ill let you know later in the week if this is a fail safe thingy. I have this problem though, when i am asked to make a wish, i dont wish things for myself, i wish them for other people. its happened more than once. Especially lately. Its not that i dont want anything, its just that i would rather see the people around me happy rather than myself. Well, most of the time if theyre happy im happy, so it sorta works out i guess.

I feel like i have no purpose. its a terrible feeling.

ttfn, Jaryd

Ps: I saw in kleskavainia tonite, it was enjoyable. I find it funny how musicians totally lose all sex appeal when they step off the stage....


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