Friday, April 15, 2005

I hate when blogger is a fucking bastard. Today seems to not be that day.

I worked on a seemingly unfamilar stage today, but as soon as i turned around everything melted away and it was just like old times. everything was constant and i rediscovered the superhero in me. I can do anything on a stage (please refrain from giggling, just me? ok then). I really can though. It wasnt just like old times though. Only because i wasnt working for the good of the group. Its all for me now. Thats probably the last time i will be working with Mr.Jobb though, Its amazing how influencial people are on a person. Every single person around you changes you. From a stranger walking by to you best friend.

Tomorrow i leave on a jet plane. but i know when ill be back again : )

Also, Tomorrow comes to take me away, i wish that i, that i could stay.

Umm, No one knows what tomorrow brings

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, ill love ya, tomorrow, its only a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

its terrible i know. I'll be back on sunday. Im not even excited yet. i will be, then i will throw up. fun times

OH! Dustins mom is going to make me a dress! YAY! im excited. seriously. a pretty dress that i can wear all the time. YAY!

And im going to be Al's friend and we are going to hang out and have lots of fun! yay!

at the end of all of these yays, are nays...... *sigh*

ttfn, Jaryd


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