Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Watch out... ive been cleaning all day.

for the love of fuck why. I am so fucking angry. Forgive me for this horrible post but i am having a fucking shitacular week. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR.

would it kill anyone to stop asking me about Renee? Im tired of hearing about her. or hearing people ask me if shes coming with me here or there or blah blah fucking blah. I DONT FUCKING KNOW AND NO, SHES NOT GOING WITH ME BECAUSE I HARDLY FUCKING KNOW HER. FUCK.
and also. i hate you for using me the way u r to try and get closer to her. NEWS FLASH! i wont be able to help you considering i havent seen her in at least 3 months. does anyone follow? no? no one? WHY NOT!?

i will try not to use capitals anymore. it just feels better.

Anway, im just in a generally shitty mood, aided by the fact that Jolene is a whore, my Mother is only getting more ill and it kills me to watch her struggle everyday just to do stupid tasks that the healthy part of the population takes for granted. Im tired of people thinking that they know what im going through and that "its not that bad" because it fucking is that bad.

also, i avoid the dr like the plague and i had to go see him to get my birth control perscription renewed and he has bribed me with it. if i dont see him for a physical within 5 months he wont give me anymore. its not even that i dont like him, i would just rather not know if i am dying or not. i wouldnt. Oh, and in our nice little chat he decided that i would have to go get bloodwork done. if you are thinking that this sucked because i dont like needles you are oh so wrong. i dont mind needles at all, its just that i have really bad veins. they like to appear then disappear witout warning. the last time i had to get blood work was a year ago, and they couldnt get the vein to stay open so they ended up having to go and take blood from my wrist. That was pleasant let me tell you. so, yesterday, i went in there without eating for 15 hours cuz i had to fast and shit, and i sit in the chair and this little woman tries to find a good vein. heh. good fucking luck. she thought she found one. so she stuck me with a needle and POOF! the vein was gone and she started digging for it. i would rather be stuck with a million needles than have one nurse dig for the vein. anyway, 3 women and 4 needle holes later they send me home. but oh dont worry, ill be back soon, cuz they couldnt find a vein to give them enough blood, so now, i have to go back so they can suck the rest out of me. dammit. im in a crappy mood.

oh did i mention sometime at the clinic i lost/someone stole my cell phone? oh i didnt? Well! thats the cherry on the sundae. i hate this part.

i want to scream. forever and ever and ever. if only i didnt feel so suffocated i would.

ttfn, Jaryd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

breathe darling. ready? in through the nose...out through the through the nose... out through the mouth...good now breathe in deeply....and........ SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
There, now doesn't that feel better?!
I heart you!

12:07 a.m., December 30, 2004  

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