Monday, December 27, 2004

It was a Beautiful Letdown.

the day i mean. it sucked a lot. Moreso than yesterday. Anyway, i just want to say that i love Backdraft. not the actual thing, but the movie. It appeals to me. And also, i have figured out my fascination with fire. sort of. When i was little, at one point my 2 favourite movies were Backdraft and Blown Away (yes yes, haha, moving on). Both had the same concept of stuff blowing up and burning. Both had amazingly talented actors in it (if you havent seen Blown Away, i hate you. Go out and rent, no fuck that, go out and buy it NOW. im sure theres some place thats open at 4am so go now. im serious stop reading, and GO!) Anyway, ive lost my train of thought, but the moral is that i love those movies and fire. The end. partially.

Also, i regret to inform you that i have officially fallen off the band wagon. I realize that i am a retard for doing so, but i am weak. You know that i dont react to things well, and i let everything get to me. no excuses just the truth. i fucked it up.

What else can i say... cant think of anything. i guess this is

ttfn, Jiggy


Blogger Jiggy said...

i just called ur home about my pants you sicko.! hehe. you have my pants. anyway. umm, rarr? oh yes, definately rarr.


10:40 p.m., December 29, 2004  

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