Sunday, March 14, 2004

Weirdest weekend ever.


1. It rained a little
2. went to a Gay sex store, with Tristan. That was funny
3. It rained a lot. I pulled over into the McD's parking lot and walked around in the rain singing Josh Groban...
4. Got picked by a guy who told me "you cant go home! Not with an ass like that, Giddy Up." (that made me sad.)


1. I bought my grad dress... Its nothing like what I thought I wanted. But i really really like it.
2. My last shift at work.
3. Big Dustins party... that was just weird
4. I realized that if i dont say something I could regret it forever. If i have the chance now, i should take it, and I would never want to not be able to say it when we both had the opportunity to hear it.
5. I went over to little Dustins house... That was quite fun. It felt weird. Just me and him talking for two hours. nice, but weird.


1. I went to the Circus.
2. Jolene is psychotic
3. I talked to my brother
4. The years cant just melt away

So that was my fucked up weekend. Very odd, I must say. It wasnt completely unenjoyable, actually i had some fun, weird fun, but fun.

Ttfn, Jaryd


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