Monday, March 15, 2004

Ive given up on homework... I dont care. Too much to think about, too much to write. I need to sleep.

Things I want to know.

1. Why did you leave me?
2. Was it hard?
3. Why didn't you help me?
4. Why has it been so long?
5. Do you still love me?
6. Did you love me?
7. Did you miss me?
8. Did I miss you?
9. What do you want to do?
10. Can we start over?
11. Can we go back?
12. Do I want to go back?
13. Do I want to start over?
14. Do you want to start over?
15. Will the time disappear?
16. Can I let you do this?
17. Why did you leave me?
18. Why did you leave me?
19. Why did you leave me?
20. Why did you leave me?
21. Why did you leave me?
22. Why did you leave me?

Thats all I want to know... nothing else matters.

good nite...



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