Monday, February 16, 2004

Well, may i just say that i am a very very angry person right now. At many people. Im tired of having a reason to be angry. I am tired of being lied to. I am tired of being lied to to protect me. That hurts the most when i find out. I would rather you just be honest with me, then find out later that you lied to my fucking face. After i left myself wide open and vulnerable. Damn it. Every time i trust someone i get stabbed in the back and slapped in the face. This just fucking sucks ass. I AM SO FUCKING ANGRY. SO FUCKING ANGRY AM I. seriously guys, i should have never done it. I should have never thought that we were friends and that they would have the decency to be honest with me, when i was being COMPLETLY honest with them. What is the point in telling the truth if you dont get it back. If i let you in on one of my insecurities i expect honesty in return. Not a nod, and then later on i find out that i have good reason to think that. FUCK. I FUCKING KNEW IT. but you couldnt tell me when we were talking about it. no no no. you had to lie and make me feel like a jack ass. THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH.

this fucking blog entry was fucking brought to you by the fucking word fuck.

All i have to say to you is go fuck yourself.

good nite


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