Tuesday, February 10, 2004


here is something all of you can read about, laugh about and then cry for me about. I was talking to Jolene about going out for coffee with Rob (just to clarify, WE ARE STRICTLY JUST FRIENDS) and i happened to mention his age... and do you know what she said to me. Even though she KNOWS that we are just friends. she says, "Jaryd, eventually 23 year old men expect something." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
what the fuck is goin on? I laughed at her. First of all, he is not man, he may or may not posess a penis, but either way that does not make him a man. BUT WAIT, theres more!!

She then proceeded to ask me "So are you a virgin?" to which i lied and said yes. Then it was "thats good and bad" WTF. I then responded with "do you want me to go meet someone and have sex with them?" then she said "When you have sex I hope its great. and that you have strong feelings for them. Not necisarrily love, but caring.." Oh my...

That being said, HAHAHAHAHA... that is all i can say about that conversation. HAHA

ttfn, Jaryd

(PS, Ill be here and there for a while (hours) cuz of laundry and such...)


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