Sunday, February 15, 2004



Funny thing happened.


Have you ever been talking about something and you have a fairly in depth conversation about it, and then it happens or you hear it or see it? I always love when stuff like that happens, it makes me smile really really big, and sometimes I laugh. Not because its funny, but because its so odd and coincidental. And then I say, "hey, I was just talking about ________ with _______ earlier today!" then other people laugh and go on their way. But I am left with this big grin on my face for no great reason. Just because it made me think of you, and how I would rather be hanging out with you than at work. (PS, Fuck... I hate my job). So, you know how on CJay they play the "Retro 80's and Lost 70's" on Saturday nite? Well they do, and it is one of my favourite times to listen to the radio. Anyway, there I was, washing the dishes, when all of the sudden I hear, "I'm Just a Jigalo... everywhere I go...". Thusly, my nite was made, and I didn't even care that in the kitchen they were making heart shaped pizzas and that Brody and Sarah were making out feet away from me.

You have no idea how glad I am that what may seem like very small minute things, really mean much more to me. Can you imagine what would happen if I looked over the small stuff, and ignored it. I would rather not. I would rather rejoice in the fact that I can find some happiness in things others would find meaningless.

That being said, I am going to a Hitmen game now... soon. And someone better invoke rage in another, so I can see some fighting. Just one big fight, that's all I want. Not 2 or 3... Just 1. PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all are having a fun break of sorts... Well, I hope most of you are.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS. Live a Lie, Default


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