Thursday, November 27, 2003

SO!!!!!!!!!! I WISH I WERE A JEDI!!!!!!!! the best part about the boys own jedi handbook was the light sabers! And the fact that i met the lead previously. Anyway, they were suped up flashlights with gels in them and they fought in the fog. It was fucking amazing!!!! Ya, so i have been letting my geek show A LOT lately, first trying to learn to play magic, then realizing tonite that i know waaaaaay to much about star wars and i am in denile... Then I had a conversation with Tara about D&D... wow... crazy... Umm ya, so couch wrestling, fun times, I hate to disappoint you, but I am spending the afternoon with Ian Tomorrow. So no pinning me down and torturing me til next week :D good times.

Not good times: coming home at ten at nite to find a drugged up demon talking about every detail of your life to someone who youve met a couple of times.


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