Saturday, November 29, 2003

Ok so my week was great shit. In that it was great, but also shit. So lets focus on the great. On thursday i walked into the pit, opened my condo, and found a single rose just laying there. It was the most beautiful thing. To, for a moment, not know who it was from, but that they really cared about you enough to buy you a flower. It really was the prettiest flower Ive ever seen. I have kept a petal from it in my book entitled "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end" Book number 3 in an endless series. Well, close to endless. It shall end when i die. Next, on friday, I got panties. Boughten by Dave. They are so cute! In 2 days i got a rose and panties from 2 different guys. lol... I didnt go out with Ian yesterday which kinda made me sad, but on the other hand i dont get paid til tomorrow, so i would have just been me walking around telling him to step away from the christmas lights because we have a mission. **side note** I was waiting for the bus and i saw a jeep driving by with 2 christmas trees tied to the roof. It was divine.**side note** Ian told me that out of all the people he shops for, im the most difficult. That surprised me cuz im pretty easily pleased... But then, just now, I had a thought. I know i know a rariety cuz im stupid, but i realized that we go christmas shopping every year for the women in his life, but not for me. I dont help him shop for me, until its a couple days before christmas and he calls me up freaking out that he is in the mall and he wants to know EXACTLY what i would like. funny boy. thats why its so difficult for him, no one is helping him shop for me, and no one will start to, cuz he has to learn how to shop for gurls for when im gone...

Doris is warm and up and running. YAY. I cleaned all the anti fruz up and shall be driving her tonite and for pretty much the rest of the year. waahoo for that.

I read my hororscope in fast forward for this week and wow, it was right. it was interesting to because it talked about boxes. And i was like, ya, i know all about boxes. I shall have to pick me up a copy so can reflect on it further.

Hmmm, lets see, christmas party tomorrow for ms society, christmas party next sunday for work. Gotta love christmas parties! Is anyone throwing a christmas party, perhaps i shall... I normally do actually. Hmm, do u guys wanna spend new years together? or have you already made plans? LOL i think december is one of my favouritist months... IM SO EXCITED!

Happy Christmas, Merry New Year!!

ttfn, Jaryd


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