Sunday, November 23, 2003

otay. First order of the day. I believe that being offered a beer last nite after work was the best part of my day. Only because it was from an authoritative figure at work. I declined because I am responsible and refuse to drink and drive. so instead i stayed after work for a while and smoked a bit, while watching them do some drinking. That is all fine and dandy. Until the weed came out. I must say it was kind of unnerving seeing 7 of my co-workers open a door in the lounge and form a circle. I watched from a distance. It was interesting i must say. For the most part, i have a strictly professional relationship with most of them. But this was odd. I have only been working there for a month and I witnessed them smoke up. I felt like i should be doing some sort of commentary on the situation, but instead i just sat there and studied them, like an endangered species. Im quite proud of myself for not taking one toke. It could have been quite easy. Its funny, Luke is so proud of hiring me. Im his first hire and he gloats about me all the time. I have discovered that he is super touchy while drunk/stoned. Not in an uncomfortable way, just a, im gonna leave my arm around you and hug you all the time and then tell everyone else to hug you. lol. funny. He looks a bit like chester from linkin park, but hotter. That is all from work i suppose. Except that I made my own dinner last nite. Maybe i shall be cooking sometime soon. I hope so...

I have bruises everywhere. some i know where/who they came from, others it is a mystery. I shall assume from the stupidity of running into a circle of people running into a circle. Yes...

What else to say... I believe that is all. For now, perhaps i shall be back later. Who knows?!

ttfn, Jaryd


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