Saturday, November 22, 2003

Ok so hooray for being warm and in my own house. First of all. Black Comedy. Is over. tear, and yay at the same time. I dont know how to feel about it, Besides a lil crappy about my drunken fling onstage of broken glass and broken hearts.
Good times:
Hearing people laugh at me.
pretending to be drunk onstage.
old people PDA hehe...
rapping with Cody while in our costumes
playing such a fun character
meeting people that I otherwise probably would not have met
getting a huge from Doug (so hot, too bad hes married to Ms. S :P)
the applause
being able to be a part of something special
Not so good times:
the stress
having to put up with people with no respect for themselves or anyone around them
the journey ending...

I was going to quote a song in my lil speech thingy to Mr. J, but I forgot. This is so true though. Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. An excellent line.

Ok, the Party. Well, I had a wonderful mini party on the stairs. It was good times. Anything warm is good. I haven't consumed alcohol in a while. At least a large enough amount to really alter my mood a lot. I cant say there was really any point in it. (One thing I wanna say, I consider you an awesome friend. And I hope you feel the same way. I dunno, I've noticed that things have changed for me. In a good way. And hopefully this only gets better.) That being said, I probably will not drink excessively for quite a while. Although, if I hadn't that party coa would have been much greater and I would have spent most of my nite sitting outside in the snow alone. Because that makes me happy in those situations. (thank you for making me promise not to sit out there for more than 2 hrs all together, i probably only spent half a hour out there and I was never alone. Proud of me? I hope so.) that's pretty much it. Except for the nudity and sexual tendencies that come out at every party. (I still don't know how you knew my little secret. I kinda avoided it for a while. It makes me happy that we are close enough for you to just know that)

This year has already been such an awesome year for new found super awesome friendships. Its really awesome and just now I realized how much I appreciate my new friendships and always my old ones. Its amazing how you can know someone for so long and then all of the sudden you realize how close youve become and how much closer you want to be. There are five guys I am talking about. In the past month especially you have greatly influenced who I am for the better. And for that I am eternally grateful. I hope you know that. I cannot believe I got 5 new super awesome close friends in one month. That rocks! Thanks guys.

that is all I suppose. I must clean my room up a bit before work. It is an unhappy room. So is my car. But guess who isn't unhappy? ME! hehe... yay.

ttfn, The Original Naughty Fish, Jiggy


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