Saturday, October 11, 2003

well... one little part is better i suppose. I figured it out, Im actually quite proud of myself for that. Despite how many people told me. Still gotta be independant and learn the hard way. I still have many more to go though...

The Party was fun... Fonging is EXCELLENT times. Its much fun even when you lose. Cuz you get to be straddled AND kinda tackled. Which is like my goal in life... to be tackled....hehe... I wish I could have spent the nite, but i live with satan. And the truck has been taken away cuz i was half an hour late partially due to the fact that I had to pick up HER FUCKING SLURPEE. HALF AN HOUR! give me a fucking break. Thats so fucking stupid. I was half an hour late, people were asking me to "break the rules" and stay the nite, but NO i have to be more responsible than that...grrr. hehe... that reminds me of " " hehe.. fun... at any rate, i shall be off to bed and hopefully tomorrow nite will be great. A nite with my boys and kels. hmmm.... i dunno...must not let myself get too excited about that cuz whenever I do, it blows up in my face... " "

I also wanna say.... Thank you.... and Fuck you, to someone. but that would be bad.
Goodnite everyone who is at the party still (and in toronto) and Im at home cuz Satans a Bitch.
ttfn, Jam ;)... the nicknames just wont stop...

PS... Please DO NOT call me in the middle of the nite and proceed to have an important conversation with me while im half asleep. Its like im wasted, i say things i shouldnt and then forget what was even talked about. That is bad...unless it crucial that you talk to me, sleepy time, is sleepy time. nite


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