Friday, December 17, 2004

I forgot what 24 hours feels like...

So, funny story... Yesterday, i was awake for 24 hours. Thats right, Yoga in the morning, til Airdrie at nite.

So, yoga is pretty self explainitory, i had to wake up at 530am, school, was the last day, nothing exciting. Hung out with Rebecca for a bit afterwards. OH! i watched this awesome show. Its called House MD, soooooooo good. Could be my new fav show. Remeber that guy that played Jesus in Messenger Joan of Arc, he stars in it. um.... oh ya, then my friend Eric finally told me what was happening for his birthday, which was that he was staying in Airdre, so, not only did i find out at the last minute, i had all these arrangements to make now, but i also had to go usher for ATP. Mmmhmm... Interesting show. Most of it was like, WTF is going on... lol. but it was alright. So then, after acting like a retard cuz i was really tired and i hadnt eaten, I went and picked up Darcie and we were on our way out to Airdrie. Which leads me past the part where i get lost in this little big city and straight to the shots of Tequila. mmm, i do like tequila. I cant taste it. weird. anyway, mostly just hung out at this bar called Flames and chatted with the Airdrie boys. Then as the lights in the bar came on, someone decided we should go to Timmys. Since we were all fairly intoxicated, we walked. And i realized yet again, that i, at heart, am a boy. Hence why i made a couple new guy friends. Now onto the interesting part. Darcies feet hurt from these horrible shoes that she bought, so she wanted to take a cab back (we didnt realize how far we had walked until driving home in the am, it was pretty far, but i have always wanted to walk over that overpass cage thing). So five of us get into the cab (somewhere along the way, i get a lap dance... not quite sure why) and so we get back to the bar, and apparently somewhere along the way, it was decided that Dana was sober enough to drive his car and all of us home. Bad Idea. Oh ya, before we get out of the cab, the cabbie warns us that the cops are sitting right acrossed the street, but we didnt think anything of it. so, we all pile into Dana's car (i also went to elementary with him, hes a good kid) and leave the parking lot. Well, we approached the petro where the cop was waiting. He turned on his lights and Dana just surrenders and pulls into the petro. (i forgot to mention all of us in the back seat scrambling to get our seatbelts on, sort of) SO the cop comes over and does the usual, "License and Registration please, everyone wearing your seatbelts? ***Flashes light right at me*** So whos been drinking tonite?" to which we all pipe up "ME!" Anyway, to make a long story short, Dana didnt get a ticket or a lovely nite in the drunk tank. He just got his car towed away. Which, when you think about it, was a break from the cop. Then we all piled into yet another cab and went to our respective homes/places where we were crashing. Thats pretty much the end of my 24 hours, we didnt get to Erics until just after 5am, and by the time we were in our makeshift beds it was 530am. LOOK! a complete circle. No napping in Biology or anything, not even in creepy pinocchio. A true full 24hour day. Thats just fucked up. No Regrets though. One thing that i would have done over though. Just one. No need for lecturing. I know.

Have a good nite all!

ttfn, Jiggy


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