Tuesday, November 30, 2004

firstly... do you ever just want to scream at someone, "GROW UP!". ok, cool, me too. moving on.

Secondly, can we just chat about the joy of throwing up? not that i enjoy throwing up. but afterwards i mean. The state of zen which occurs after emptying your stummy of all its contents. its good. the feeling after, not the puking part. Bulimia (excuse my seplling) is bad and i do not recommend it. but when I have the flu, i would much rather just vomit, and start feeling better than wait it out.

i feel much better now. i did miss yoga this am though... it makes me a little sad. oh well

ttfn, Jiggy

this icon has nothing to do with the previous words i have written in this entry. its just a generalization.


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