Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Ok, so i had a pretty good day. I went to all of my classes. Had some fun times fonging with Kels and Ian (separatly). Then after school i sat in on a magic game, my soul is crying as we speak. And you know what, saying waaaa and slowly moving my hands out of an x formation and into a perpedicular one TOTALLY GRANTS ME KUNG FOO POWERS. For this, i got the shit kicked out of me. Well, not really, i dont even remember half of it. I remember anthony giving tristan a wedgy, then they decided to try to give me one, which i fought quite well until someone took my sock, then i freeked out. The next thing i remember is being on the couch with an anthony wrapped around my right leg and gripping my wrist, and a tristan wrapped around my left leg gripping my wrist. then, the tickling, oh god the tickling! and the touching... inappropriate touching and unfair too... it was not happy cuz i couldnt move. ANd believe me i tried... I cant beleive anthony ran away and left tristan to suffer my wrath, which by the way was some of me fighting instead of defending myself like i usually do from him. It is not over, oh no, there shall be suffering for you all. Beware my pretties, there shall be revenge!!! muahahahah!!!!
umm... yes...
i believe that is all...
ttfn, Jiggy



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