Monday, November 24, 2003

Ok, so i think a good friend of mine is finally realizing how s/o's can have such a huge impact on a friendship. I dunno, im kinda happy about that... that you get it i mean. And that maybe you see y i was a lil upset. I hate to say it but s/o's cause tension in friendships, so its even worse when both people are like siblings to you! its stupid, but i cant help but feel jealous. The fact that you are willing to end a friendship for him frightens me. I know you are close and i dont want to offend you. So please dont take it like that. I am so jealous of you and him cuz i have to share you both with each other, i like spending time with you both, but sometimes i just wanna be with one or the other. Its not the same though. I feel guilty if i even thinking about asking one of you to chill with me and not the other. Do you understand what i mean? it just changes perceptions. I dunno if you will understand how i feel, but i know you wont completely. I really want things to stay the same. I hope you know that.

ps. I got that pic back, i shall give you it tomorrow...


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