Monday, October 13, 2003

MARCH: Attractive personality. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

I did have something important to talk about... But now that i am here i cant seem to remember what it was. At any rate, I wish to talk about alcoholism. Lets pretend that Its a holiday dinner day. Now there is a woman, who is physically disabled, she lives with her daughter and her sister in law. Now this woman has been up since 10 trying to get a fancy dinner prepared. She wakes up her daughter to help. She wakes up her sister in law to help. Reluctantly, the daughter proceeds upstairs to help out. An hour passes, and the daughter notices the sister in law is still in bed. Hmm.. she thinks that maybe she is just catching up on some sleep she hasnt been getting. Another hour passes, the tension is beginning to rise as it always does for holiday dinners and still, the sister in law is still in bed. This is odd. The daughter recalls getting permission to have a beer the nite before, then notices that there are 3 in the fridge. She glances outside and realizes that there is a 12 bottle box on the deck. Ok she thinks, they drank 8 beers last nite, thats 4 each, thats otay. The mom and daughter continue to make dinner and about half an hour before it is ready the sister in law rises from her firey tomb complaining that she doesnt feel well. This is when the mother snaps back, maybe you shouldnt have had 7 beers last nite. Hmm... the daughter thinks to herself that maybe 7 beers is not really acceptable the day before a big dinner when help is needed. Then the sister in law goes back to sleep. In half an hour she wakes again, only to say how sorry she is that she did not help and that the table looks great. They make a toast of "happy thanksgiving" and eat in silence. Then they depart the table in different directions for the rest of the evening.
Happy Thanksgiving...

I watched "Real Women Have Curves" tonite. Interesting movie. Seemed kinda short to me though. I believe it to be a good movie, worth watching a second time this morning at 4am... 4AM!!! i wish i could listen to that song... but i cant... it makes me quite sad that that cd is ruined... I took care of that one too, i dont know how the hell it happened. Ok... definatly gotta work on the whole ADD thing....
I am quite sick, sometimes i wish i was still smoking regularly cuz then i wouldnt be suffering like this. But this is too fucking gross to turn back now... 3 out of seven days in a week without smoking one cigarette... and friday nite, i kept lighting them and putting them out. Meh... im sick and it hurts sooo bad when i cough i have to hold my sides for fear something will pop out... its NOT happy. You know what is happy though... Nyquil... It helps you get your zzzzzz's so now i shall drown in a pool of it... ta ta for now (ttfn)


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