Sunday, February 01, 2004

First off, Renee loved her present. Which was material in no way. It was a collection of little things/memories throughout our five year and a half year friendship. She is the longest female friend I have ever had. I always seem to fall out with the others... Most times it doesn't bother me.

Second, Karaoke... OMG. We (Rob Renee and I) went to a Karaoke bar... It was pretty busy. I liked it cuz it wasn't just a bunch of 18 year olds running around drunk. There was a WIDE variety of ages. This one guy, I believe his name was Les/Lex/Rex sang Renee a song for her birthday. You are so beautiful to me, by Joe Cocker. Now this guy had been conversing with me previously about his little tribute for her birthday. Man this guy was sooo funny onstage. He made the worst faces possible... If Timmy were to sing Joe Cocker, he would have looked like that guy last nite. So funny. Also really really drunk people should NOT sing Karaoke. If you cannot keep up with the words as they go by on the screen, then maybe you should sit down. One guy was ATTEMPTING Baby Got Back, it was so horrid that the bar was paying more attention to Renee and I (who knew all the words) then the drunk one onstage. Ahh, Good times. Renee made me sing with her...Well she guiltted me into it... I didn't really want to, so, I kept the drinks coming until I didn't care how bad it was!!

Third, Paralyzers are far too good. They go down way too easily and thusly I drank too many to quickly... Perhaps I shall find a different drink... Or not...

Fourth, since Rob used to work there the Bartender wasn't really keeping track of our drinks... Thusly meaning we went home with money. Seriously fun times.

Fifth, I cannot play pool AT ALL after 6 drinks. Or maybe its cuz we were playing doubles against a pool shark... fucker. His name was Dustin, 25, fav band: David usher... That is all... I remember...

Sixth, I remember everything from last nit. I think, well obviously it appears to me that I remember anything. I defiantly remember the after party at Dennys in the potty. All I can say is that that is a must when someone turns 18. Praying to the porcelain goddess... That was funny.

Seventh, the best part of the nite was talking to Rob while Renee was pukin' in da potty. He does little things that he knows make me happy and I love that we can just sit and talk for hours and that he trusts me. grr...

Eighth, I had a really awesome time last nite. Forthemost part.

Ninth, Have you ever seen something, went to touch it and then at the last second pulled away? That makes me sad. I need to stop doing that.

perhaps that is all. OH, I finally found the whole band version of My Immortal. It gives me goosebumps...

ttfn, Jaryd


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