Tuesday, August 12, 2003

emily, we have fallen off the face of the earth... we are now on different planets AND THAT SUCKS ASS
... when i say emily, you respond with Keeler so i can find you!!!
Molly ringwald?
I spent some extra curricular hours with ____ today... and _____ it was fun... Never a dull moment with those 2... I will miss them muchly... They are leaving.... never to be heard from again... cuz they dont live here... they live in other places and that blows.... I am quite attached to both of them now and thusly may be sappy for a while... sry guys...
Also... i went to an open call for acting/modelling and they said i was a beautiful gurl but not what theyre looking for right now... which i suppose is a compliment unless they say that to everyone... in which case i will still take it as a compliment cuz damn right im beautiful! lol... I met a nice fag there as well... I am a fag magnet... good times :P also.... i am going to write a screen play... or just a play... not sure...the story line will be... Ghetto Gurl meets Farm boy... inspired by ____! It will be a winner!!! lol
ps... sorry for all the blanks... if ur that interested call me and i shall let you in...:P


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