Tuesday, August 05, 2003

2 nites ago i had one of the best conversations online... they dont happen very often, you know, the kind of convos that are long and flowing and lovely! it was odd and i was surprised that i was having such a convo with someone i barely knew... Its amazing how you can just connect with people that quickly. AND that the only thing you know about each other is the one hobby you share, until that one hobby turns into 2, then 3 and so on, until you finally figure out the person you are talking to is indubably one of the funnest people you know and no matter how many fun people there are in your life, when u meet another it just becomes all the more exciting. I can remember having these sorts of chats with someone else last summer... We were basically each others world because of uncontrollabe circumstances and talked endlessly about nothing and everything. And when threatened with the thought of not being ably to talk to them, i went insane.... and so did they. That is focusing too much on one person and not the big picture... Then eventually our priorities changed, summer ended and we went back to the way we were, almost forgetting but trying so hard to maintain our importance to each other. Until finally, it ended. Its both of our faults, and i must remember that... People change and thusly so do relationships. So i guess this is good bye... Last summer it seemed i had everything, now i know i had nothing.

No matter how hard i try, i still love you.


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