Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Inspired by Tristan...

530am: wake up, put on yoga clothes etc...

6am: Drive to Yoga :D

630-740am: YOGA!!!!!!!

7:45-815am: Get ready for school

830am: Stop @ Kaffa for a Java

9am-1145: Biology 30

945/10ish: cat nap

12-330pm: visit with Married friend Rebecca from bio class. Meet her cute brother ;)

345-540pm: Watch Ferris Buellers Day Off (because i borrowed the dvd from Rebecca)

540-6pm: watch news... become pissed off at news and begin...

6pm-625: nap!!!!

630pm: order pizza

720pm: eat pizza

8-1030pm: study with momma and watch TV

1030-1050pm: write out my day for all to see!

i have officially been awake for 16 and half hours...

nite nite!!!

ttfn, Jiggy!

PS: Tristan, in your spare time, you should do yoga. its lovely.

Also... I believe that if i were an icon, i would be all of these today. I couldnt pick one sooner than i could pick a favourite star in the heavens, (10 points to the one who knows where that quote is from) so, suffer through them... :P

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I am 32 flavours and then some...

i suppose i have been avoiding this place and the computer in general... perhaps i am afraid to face something, or come to terms with it rather. Apparently its been bothering me sub conciously because today i did something very odd like i couldnt control it. it just happened. nothing life threatening if thats what ur thinking, i have only had one lap in judgement ( as i like to call it ) and that was years ago. Anyway, the whole thing was very weird and im still upset about it... i feel very discontented...

Well, i suppose that i should let you all know that my website is up and running for the most part. I did want someone to see it first but i havent spoken to them in quite a while. I hope you know im thinking about you and i hope ur doing well... At any rate, check it out...


gobble gobble, Jiggy...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Not much to report. I went into rehearsal today for the Standardized Patient thing. It went well. And I now officially have 2 jobs. Its good times :)

My puppy got spayed today... It makes me sad that she has a cut up belly :(

I got 84% on my unit exam in social!! YAY!

what else... im sleepy... oh ya! geez. My webpage is almost complete. ill let you guys know when its up and running. Jaclyn, i got my domain name through onemillionhost.com or something. lol. ok then, that is all for now.

ttfn, Jiggy

Sunday, October 03, 2004

So... Yesterday i went out of town to visit my parents, i caught 4 fish! and released them all. ihad a pretty good time. Then i went to Dustins and hung out with Ian and Kels... also good times. Today i went to work. My given target for sales was $883 with each customer buying 3 things, i sold $2100 with each customer buying about 5 things. it was awesome. im having a good time. my feet dont want to kill me as much and i like the people i work with :) This little boy followed me around the store while his mom shopped. it was so cute, he clung to me. literally wrapped himself around my leg. lol. his mom was like, "youre flirting with the ladies already!!!" so cute... thats pretty much it...

The Killers Rock ASS...

ttfn, Jaryd

Friday, October 01, 2004

the greatest fan of your life...

that just happened to be the last line of the song i just listened to. the timing seemed right, so i wrote it while it played. dont ask. the playlist is on random. my parents called about and hour and a half ago to tell me that they were " already pissed "... oh how my mother loves her tequila... and of course Jolene loves her rye... *sigh* I love my family... lol. my mother thinks im an alcoholic... i think thats funny considering.

im off to go get ready for my evening... good times...

ttfn, Jiggy :)