Tuesday, November 30, 2004

firstly... do you ever just want to scream at someone, "GROW UP!". ok, cool, me too. moving on.

Secondly, can we just chat about the joy of throwing up? not that i enjoy throwing up. but afterwards i mean. The state of zen which occurs after emptying your stummy of all its contents. its good. the feeling after, not the puking part. Bulimia (excuse my seplling) is bad and i do not recommend it. but when I have the flu, i would much rather just vomit, and start feeling better than wait it out.

i feel much better now. i did miss yoga this am though... it makes me a little sad. oh well

ttfn, Jiggy

this icon has nothing to do with the previous words i have written in this entry. its just a generalization.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

suddenly nothing is the same.

do you ever just wish you could talk to someone. that one someone. or 2 someones. because you know that as soon as they call or you talk to them you will feel a million times better.

then you find out the third someone has been trying to call you... and your ringer was off.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

hypothetical situation... pfft.

you dont really notice until it changes, but everything seems to be going well for you, no complaints, you know how it is and then all of the sudden, you realize, that thing that everyone said would happen after graduation is starting to happen. and your longest friend is slowly destroying her life and that you no longer have anything in common with her or can relate or even understand how she thinks. this can only go on for so long until something else contributes to the path towards the rocky bottom. i believe that to be a speeding ticket in this case. mmhmm. but throughout all of this, you home life is pretty good and school is going well, but then, you wrote down your schedule wrong and are late for work. lovely. heres the kicker. not even 2 weeks after your speeding ticket, you get into an accident and subsequently destroy the other corner of your car. you neck, back, and shoulder hurts, but whats worse is that your mother was hurt. and worse on top of that is that the asshole speeding down the middle lane gets nothing but a flat tire when you were trying to make a left hand turn. he hits you, draggs you a few meters because of the speed hes going and you get another ticket and if either of you are to blame its obviously you. so not only do you now owe almost 300 dollars to the city of calgary, you also are not on the insurance, so your parents' rate will sky rocket. the icing on the cake is that your aunt is in the hospital recovering from surgery and you have to go in there and tell her that you fucked up the car again and that the police said you were at fault... remind me why i quit smoking...

to sum it all up in one word... Fuck.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS: Lauryn... didnt you want to read The Da Vinci Code? apparently i own it... or something. its sitting here on the desk. i dunno where it came from.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Wow... uh... Happy Halloween?

hmm... what to say what to say. Im kinda bummed at the moment. but u know how it is. i dont have much to say. i went into crescent today. it was good. i dont know where the time goes when im there. im going to atp tonite. i hear its gonna be sucky. i hope not too sucky cuz im taking Jeff to see it next week, so that would mean 2 loads of crap... *sigh*

ttfn, Jiggy