Saturday, June 21, 2003

In your life there are special people who just seem to touch your heart when youre least expecting it... They are all around if you are lucky...there are many special people in my life but 2 in particular... Even though ill still be friends with both of them they will be missed but not forgotten... I luv Chels and Adam... On a slightly different note, there are also the people who just seem to have a special essence about themselves. No matter what you do or how much you may know them you seem to like them... and you cant have them because they seem to be "too good" when in actuallity they arent, you just make them out to be so great that you end up demeaning yourself... thats just dumb. they are just people, and im not talking about cocky people i mean the TRULY REAL beautiful people... I feel truly blessed to have known such beautiful people and when i say beautiful i mean all around beautiful... you cant be perfect but you can be beautiful. Now i will close with a cliche... All good things must come to an end...:(


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